Oh, that was awesome!!! Simply perfect!!! Vacation in Brazil, with the best family ever! Thank you, Lord, for giving me them!!! Love y'all more than words can say!!! And, oh, I miss y'all so bad...

And I needed to post this picture! It was so funny. We were out for a walk, then my father asked us just to keep going as we were, because he wanted the picture to be really natural and spontaneous. We got what he meant at once!!! See HOW NATURAL it is!!!! hahahaha... Everybody walks like this...
Then, back here in my cold Andenes... I must admit: I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!

As well as I love Ferdinand, my lovely baby!!! The cutest of all!!! :-) Love uuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
We were out for a walk with Bella, my best friend!!! She's gorgeous! I thank God for introducing us to each other! Now take a look at Ferdinand... The person who took this picture were wearing a monster make-up for a costume party at school and Ferdinand was really scared!!! Poor him... Look at his face!!! hahahaha

Another flash with Bella!!! We love it!!! ;-)
See, even on the phone booth we need to take pictures... Crazy... :-D
We were destroying the city... hehe... Ok, it was like this before... just posing... we swear!!! :-)

But, then, every sunday night "to break the ice" (hehe), we have the swing club. Swing is a very popular rhythm and dance style here. And I'm a member of this dance club. That's simply amazing!!! Here is Stian and me, dancing and losing calories...