These next pictures are from Easter last year in Finmark. It was amazing!!!
And as they say: "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes."

Now, Ju, Ka and me in Tromsø - Norway!!! My angels!!! I love these girls soooooooo much!!! Thank you, amores, for being so perfect!!! Dåkker er de søteste!!! Her kommer den nordlandinge dialekt igjen... hehe

This picture couldn't be out of the blog!!! Ka, it's not that we don't love you, it's just that you're a bad baby-sitter!!! hahaha

And then, almost one year earlier... My first time in Tromsø with these angels!! Best people in the world!!! :-) Brazilian party!!! Uhu!!!! It was at Juliana and Karianne's place. De er så hyggelig! Simply perfect! We met some other really nice people like: Frank, Inge, Thiago (Who let the dogs out?...), Ana, Adriana... There they are:

Of course, late at night the bizarre moment comes! Dance "Brega music"! hahaha Alcione, Os Morenos, Mamonas Assassinas, Zeca Pagodinho e até João Paulo & Daniel! The only part it was not good it was when I fell on the floor trying to dance "frevo". I just remember that I heard many voices saying: "A Aline caiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu" hahahaha That was the funniest ever!

I went to visit some places, such as Tromsdalen Kirke:

And I almost froze!
But the thing is: We can't have it all. And I was actually born to go skiing! Or so I thought... hehe
After this experience... I can say they're right! ;-) Gimme more clothes!!! hehe
Now, Ju, Ka and me in Tromsø - Norway!!! My angels!!! I love these girls soooooooo much!!! Thank you, amores, for being so perfect!!! Dåkker er de søteste!!! Her kommer den nordlandinge dialekt igjen... hehe

This picture couldn't be out of the blog!!! Ka, it's not that we don't love you, it's just that you're a bad baby-sitter!!! hahaha

And then, almost one year earlier... My first time in Tromsø with these angels!! Best people in the world!!! :-) Brazilian party!!! Uhu!!!! It was at Juliana and Karianne's place. De er så hyggelig! Simply perfect! We met some other really nice people like: Frank, Inge, Thiago (Who let the dogs out?...), Ana, Adriana... There they are:

Of course, late at night the bizarre moment comes! Dance "Brega music"! hahaha Alcione, Os Morenos, Mamonas Assassinas, Zeca Pagodinho e até João Paulo & Daniel! The only part it was not good it was when I fell on the floor trying to dance "frevo". I just remember that I heard many voices saying: "A Aline caiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu" hahahaha That was the funniest ever!

I went to visit some places, such as Tromsdalen Kirke:

And I almost froze!

At Wednesday, 19 April, 2006 ,
Anonymous said...
Hello Lininha,
claro que me lembro de vc: vc e aquela gordona da padaria em sao bernardo do campo, nao e? hahahaha, to brincando, claro que lembro de vc, como estao as coisas? ja voltou pras andenes? nos estamos em nosso ultimo dia de Noruega. amanha o luiz voara pra madrid onde ficara tres dias, e eu vou cedo pra budapeste pra preparar mais artigos e depois de cinco dias, volto ao aeroporto de oslo onde comeco minha longa jornada de volta ao brasil: oslo-frankfurt-barcelona-madrid-buenos aires-sao paulo. o pior desta viagem nao e ser longa, e sim ter de ir ate a argentina pra depois voar de volta pra sampa. rsrsrsrs. esoeri nao encontrar muitos argentinos!!
um grande abraco e tudo de bom pra vc. boa sorte em suas iniciativas na noruega, e lembre-se: nao volte pro brasil nem phudendo, pois onde quer que vc esteja na noruega sera sempre melhor que em nosso pobre paizinho chimfrim...
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